One of the difficult expectations of the first-line supervisor is the ability to maintain a close working relationship with all subordinates. A supervisor must be able to…
|knowledge and competence, assume responsibility for their own practice and enhance consumer protection and safety of care in complex situations. |…
Y role in my workplace is to connect and build strong relationships with others. It is important to show respect to all individuals whom I work with, so that they have trust and confidence in me and my…
I agree with Morrison's principles. I make use of this principles during my supervisions with my staff. For example, I agree with the thought that supervision is the most important relationship. It gives an opportunity for both a supervisee and a supervisor to build a trusting relationship. It is important to be aware of the roles and the boundaries. It is important for any supervisor to be trained to be able to supervise correctly. If the supervision is not structured, it is less effective. I can say it from the personal experience. I came to realise it is essential to maintain boundaries and clear expectations of the supervision. Some staff perceive supervision as a form of counselling. In this case, the staff required to be informed about the process and the content of supervision. And again, being a supervisor one acts a role model. It is very true, being a manager I often realise that my actions and also practice are being judged at all times. Therefore, I became aware of this fact very quickly. I always try to set a good example. For instance, one of my employees raised a concern about some staff…
In the workplace it is important to have professional and respectful relationship with the children and adults. This consists of being polite, respectful, listening to others and being able to talk positively and effectively to children and other adults. It is also important to listen to there views and concerns to show willingness to listen, this may make them feel more comfortable in your presence. This is all important as it shows a good role model for children and young people, also it boosts their confidence and they may feel more safe/happy and confident in your presence. It is important…
The three direct ethical role that supervisors play is monitor employee conduct, encourage ethical behavior and serve as role model. When supervisor takes a leadership role ethical issues should be token in consideration. Supervisor will monitor employee conduct will reviewing compliance with organizational policies and procedures. Managers also monitor the behavior of employees in accordance with the organization's expectations of appropriate behavior. Secondly, is encourage ethical behavior. Supervisors uses policies and procedures to influence rewards and punishment. Sometime rewards will encourage employees to behave in a productive manner. Allowing them to eliminate problems that prevent them working. Training teaches employees how…
It is very important to behave in a way that promotes positive behaviour modeling how we want children to behave therefore all staff- should not shout, should listen when a child is speaking, should act calmly, fairly and reasonably when dealing with any given situation.…
* As a supervisor it is my job to make a peaceful and productive atmosphere. I have many different types of employees that differ from age, knowledge, race and gender. Not all of my employees get along with each other but they each hold their own abilities and skills. I fit the abilities together where they are needed and match the best I can as if their personalities are like Legos. It is a constant tug of war as it never fits exactly.…
Supervisors share common roles in their departments, mainly to see that their subordinates do their very best. Supervisors have many duties; after all they are in a leadership positions, therefore requiring excellent communication skills, exercising authority and command. Supervisors are primarily responsible for the behavior of their employees. As a result, supervisors have direct influence over employees and their performance. Mentoring, motivating, counseling and also disciplining are just a few of the numerous tasks that a supervisor performs. Innovative, supportive, traditional, and active are four basic types of first line supervisors.…
The best approach as a supervisor to take to use with staff members is one of support. It is important that your staff feels that you are approaching them in a positive and supportive manner to help them give patients the best care and not in a criticizing…
It remains the supervisor’s responsibility to formulate certain policies and objectives, to give general directions for the work unit, to appraise employee performance, to take disciplinary action, and to promote employees. (Leonard pg. 338)…
Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders given by senior leadership or grades appointed over you. It’s not insubordinate conduct if the order given is unethical or illegal; neither is refusing to perform an order that is within the power of the person giving the order. Many superiors feel that the line of verbal contempt can be broken on many different levels. One can only assume that foul language, and language that may impose threat, violence or outright disobedience will ultimately fall in to the category of verbal contempt and disorderly language. A simple verbal disagreement with no foul language or violent intent can be considered as verbal contempt and or disorderly language to the NCO. An enlisted member can be subject to being punished by this article just on the superior’s thoughts on whether or not the accused was in verbal contempt. So in the case of a disagreement between two individuals, where one Marine says something and the next Marine another, it is what is perceived as the truth that becomes the truth. This can be troubling to some service members due to the fact if they have nothing to back their…
I agree with Morrison’s principles and I also make use of these principles when conducting supervisions with staff members. I agree with the thought that the supervision is the most important relationship. It gives opportunity to the supervisee and the supervisor in order to build a mutual relationship. It is important to be able to supervise correctly. If the supervision is not structured, it is less effective, it is important to maintain boundaries and have clear expectations of the supervision. Some staff members may look at a supervision as a form of counselling. In this case, the staff is required to be informed about the process and the content of supervision. And again, being a supervisor one…
Managers must supervise subordinates in their daily work, and inspire them to achieve company goals. Likewise it is the responsibility of managers to communicate company goals and policies to subordinates. The commanding of subordinates should always be consistent with company policies, and every manager should treat subordinates in line with the standards of the company.…