(1)Honor.There is a little bit of it in each of us, some more than others, but because they earned it. But what exactly is honor? When people think of honor there are a multiple things that come to mind that would define it. (2)People are often mistaken for what honor really is and who is deserving of it. Most people would think giving it to the patriots of their country would be suitable, which sounds understandable. But what is a patriot? (3)(T) In order for someone to be worthy of honor he must do what it takes to have true patriotism in his country.
(T)Different aspects can add up to the identity of America and the people in it. Widely shaped by it’s citizen’s uniqueness, ethnicity, and strive to stand up for what they believe in.(I) What makes up America are all the different lifestyles, which are illustrated through people’s individuality from all around the world. The duty of the people who make up their country is to accept one another, but when one exceeds the duty of just accepting, to going out of his way to perhaps, help that person, make their life a little easier, or for whatever it may be, they are doing something honorable. (G)Accepting others is what brings a nation together. An excerpt from the blog Life, by the capital/socialist author, Somik, notes a well constructed way of putting this.
Honor is the recognition of selflessness. When we see someone who has gone beyond the little self, we are reminded of our own potential or self-imposed limitation. It is to acknowledge this potential or limitation that we recognize one who has gone beyond. A teacher who has gone beyond the call of duty and truly cared for the student is worthy of honor, for they have used their work (karma) to transcend their ego (Somik).
(E)People can do good things, but are they always doing it for the right reason? It’s one thing to do something good for someone and not expect anything in return and doing something good for someone with
Cited: Albrecht, Sarah. "What Does it Mean to Be a Patriot?."eHow. eHow, 11 Mar 2008. Web. 5 Mar 2014. . Anderson, Nick. Strangers In Their Homeland. 2006. Photograph. Allied MediaWeb. 7 Mar 2014. . Kelley, Simon. The Limits of Loyalty. 1st ed. 1. Middlesex County: Cambridge University Press, 2007. 52-70. Print. . Somik, "What is Honor?." Life. Somik, 07 Feb 2007. Web. 5 Mar. 2014. .