Becoming a third-degree black belt was always my wish. I may have not put all of my effort into it, but I started trying my best realizing that I should be a role model for others around me.
Being a black belt means to set up a good example. Younger belts look up to you and do what you do. If you fool around, the lower belts fool around, if you talk and be lazy, they talk and are lazy.
You have to be responsible of knowing all the one-step sparring’s and forms. When you make a mistake in a form, the lower belts copy you make the same mistake. If you make a mistake in a one-step, you might injure the person and twist the wrong muscle. Being a high black belt means to have a good and positive attitude. If you be lazy and don’t do a loud ki-hap, the lower belts will do what you do and be lazy and not ki-hap. If you are asked to lead stretching or counting, say a loud, “yes sir!” and do not complain. You should show leadership when you do stretching exercises or kicking because if you do not count loudly, the class will not hear you and be confused since they don’t know what number their counting. In kicking, you should count loudly so the whole class will know when to kick. Being a black belt means to have great respect to others. You should have respect to even younger belts. You should especially show great respect to the grandmasters, masters, and instructors because they taught and should you lots of things. Being a black belt means to never give up and do your best. In sparring, even if you fall down from getting kicked or being exhausted, you should stand back up and never give up. When you do kicking exercises, forms, or sparring, you should try your best even if you are super tired. Being a black belt means to be kind and compassionate to one another. If you are not kind or compassionate to one person, the person might not like you and avoid you. If you are kind and compassionate to a person, the person