1) (Page 22): How did Hamilton and Jefferson differ in their interpretations of the Constitution? Hamilton used the Constitutions elastic clause to make a national bank while Thomas Jefferson did not believe it was right to create a national bank because he believed it was unconstitutional.…
America’s first two political parties began with Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. This established the three branches treasury, state, and war. Hamilton had the role of secretary of treasury which he was with the federalist while Jefferson had the role of relations with foreign countries and he was with Republicans. Jefferson believed that America would be more successful if it had agricultural traditions while on the other hand Hamilton beliefs were more economically planned through facilities. Hamilton’s ideas and the Federalists were having a stronger central government acting in interest of commerce and manufactured (like Britain).…
Apparently to Jefferson who was speaking for those who believe in state rights, argued that the constitution had expressly enumerate all the powers that had belonged to the federal government, which also reserved all power to the states. So far back then nowhere was it empowered to set up a bank. Jefferson believed that the federal government should not have too much power, he believed it would leave to tyranny. Hamilton and Jefferson both had to debate what the meaning of “necessary and proper” meant. Hamilton did more reading on the subject and thought that the congress should do whatever they believed was necessary to carry out the national responsibilities.…
Jefferson believed that the Constitution was a strict document, while Hamilton believed it was more forgiving and left open for interpretation by the citizens of the United States. So in Jefferson’s interpretation of the Constitution, what Hamilton was trying to do was not…
Alexander Hamilton was the sculptor who chiseled the rough edges of America’s economy away. He was the essential part in the plan to solve the massive war debt after the revolution. As a strong federalist, he had views that he and his party shared and were deemed fit for the refinement of America’s economy. Thomas Jefferson was his eternal rival in terms of views. Along with James Madison, Jefferson was the polar opposite to Hamilton. The two past presidents seemed to be rigid with their views concerning political strategies the United States was taking in its early decades. These men before their presidencies were rock solid anti-federalist. However, Jefferson and Madison…
Conflict over foreign and domestic policies between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson led to the development of two political parties. Although the Jeffersonian-Democratic were strict constructionist and the Federalists were loose constructionists, both failed to be consistent and chose whichever interpretation that better served their interests at the time.…
In 1790, both sides were able to meet on a middle ground when it came to the disagreement of gathering all the Revolutionary War debt to apply for a credit that could help the country prosper. Hamilton had an understanding that money and power is what the country needed…
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were on opposing sides when Hamilton announced plans for a national bank. They both organized themselves into 2 political parties: Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, and the Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. Alexander Hamilton stood for the interests of seaports, while Thomas Jefferson spoke for rural and southern interests. Primarily the debate between Jefferson and Hamilton was about concerns of power of the central government and power of states. Federalists were in favor of government power, while the Republicans favored states’ power.…
He sought to use Britain’s economic model to create a nation that would one day be as influential as Britain. To do this, Hamilton would have to create a federal bank that would handle the economy and fund a strong government. He knew the United States would have secure currency that everyone trusted if the Bank of the United States was authorized. Hamilton believed that a bank was necessary for the advancement of the U.S. He said. “The powers contained in a constitution. . . ought to be construed liberally in advancement of the public good.” Jefferson had quite the opposite views on the Bank of the United States. He was against the idea of the bank because it would centralize powers in the big northern cities. Jefferson also feared that the banks would only benefit the rich. He did not believe that Congress had the power to create the Bank of the Unites States. Jefferson defended his beliefs by saying, “The second general phrase is to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution the enumerated powers. But they can all be carried into execution without a bank. A bank therefore is not necessary, and consequently not authorized by this phrase”. Hamilton and Jefferson also…
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were not on good terms before and after the Cabinet. Jefferson said, "Hamilton was not only a monarchist, but of a monarchy corruption." (Doc 1) Hamilton also commented, "They (Jefferson and his supporters) have a womanish attachment to France, and a womanish resentment against Great Britain." (Doc 2). Both of them have very different opinions and were opponents in almost every discussion. They were archenemies.…
Hamilton argued that what the Constitution didn’t forbid, it permitted. He invokes the clause of the Constitution that Congress may pass any laws “necessary and proper” to carry out the powers vested in the various government agencies. He argues that the government was explicitly empowered to collect taxes and regulate trade and in carrying out these basic functions, a national bank was both “proper” and “necessary.” Hamilton and his followers believed in a “loose” or “broad” interpretation of the Constitution, which evolved the theory of “loose construction” by invoking the “elastic clause” of the Constitution.…
The conflict that took place in the 1790’s between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists made a huge impact on American History. Alexander Hamilton led the Federalists and focused mainly on the city businesses as well as manufacturing interests of the seaports. On the other side, the Anti-Federalists whom were led by Thomas Jefferson represented the rural farmers and southern interests. With the Federalists favoring more federal involvement and the anti-federalists advocating states rights, this debate between the two concerned the central government versus that of the states.…
Jefferson had a good point showing that the rich and wealthy and wellborn should not rule, and that was a big point of Hamilton’s I did not believe in but, overall Hamilton’s views on who should govern passed Jefferson. For example, Hamilton wanted to raise voting qualifications meaning he didn’t want it to be so easy for anyone to vote, and that is how it should be, not everyone should be able to vote, it should be a privilege, and having anyone be able to vote like Jefferson believed, could hurt the government and who runs…
Almost a decade later, nearing the end of the Reconstruction Era, the division between the two political parties was ever more greatly divided. Prior to the Civil War, slavery was a huge opposition for the two major parties. Following the succession of the South from the Union led the country into battle. After the south was defeated, new amendments added to the Constitution created both victory in the North and turmoil in the South. The control of the government to be able to enact amendments limiting the powers of the states divided the people even more. I believe, however, from the view of the governmental standpoint, Hamilton's views were closely related to the abilities given to the government at this time. The reality of the issue is that even those that opposed didn't have the ability to fight such a strong authority. The government had become ran by political leaders that wasn't in support for the common man's ideas, and were largely made up of highly educated political personnel. The government had adapted polices of a banking system, loose interpretation of the Constitution, and limited states’ rights. All in which was widely the view of…
Political Ideology during this era split into two factions, of Republicans, Led by Thomas Jefferson, and the Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams, who held the presidency in this period on the Federalists side. These two sides fought tirelessly against each other in regards to the Alien and Sedition acts. As portrayed in Document C, it reveals the ill-disposed feelings between the two parties, as Thomas Jefferson writes to France this: “Therefore I protest to you I am not of the party of Federalists,” what Thomas Jefferson writes here explains his political thoughts of the Party, as he would not want to be mistaken for a Federalist, as he wishes to clear the table with the French and does not agree with Adams’ decision to not apologize to France. But then in Document D, Hamilton reveals his dislike for the opposing party of Republicans as he states in a letter, “ But I…