The Southerners, however, advocated the free adoption of slavery by benefiting directly from this labor on their farms, profiting from the high prices of the sale of slaves. In his speech as president, Lincoln declared the illegality of secession. He said he would use the force to maintain control of federal estates in the Confederate states and concluded calling for the restoration of Union ties. The South ignored the request and attacked federal troops at Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. states to give up troops to recapture the fort. The Confederates resisted and secured the accession of four more states: Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia, followed by Texas later. The Confederate States left the United States and took control of the military installations, ports and other properties of the Union within the confines of the Confederation, thus triggering the American Civil War. Probably two were the root causes of secession: Republican intent to restrict and even eliminate slavery; on the other hand, the great limitations of political power of the States of the Union with regard to the ownership of
The Southerners, however, advocated the free adoption of slavery by benefiting directly from this labor on their farms, profiting from the high prices of the sale of slaves. In his speech as president, Lincoln declared the illegality of secession. He said he would use the force to maintain control of federal estates in the Confederate states and concluded calling for the restoration of Union ties. The South ignored the request and attacked federal troops at Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. states to give up troops to recapture the fort. The Confederates resisted and secured the accession of four more states: Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia, followed by Texas later. The Confederate States left the United States and took control of the military installations, ports and other properties of the Union within the confines of the Confederation, thus triggering the American Civil War. Probably two were the root causes of secession: Republican intent to restrict and even eliminate slavery; on the other hand, the great limitations of political power of the States of the Union with regard to the ownership of