John Holts essay, “How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading”, proposes the notion that teachers are inevitably demoralizing the minds of children, thus forcing them to generate a fervent aversion towards reading. To start, Holt touches base on how teachers frequently test their students on the specifics of the assigned reading and whether or not they are able to comprehend certain components from it. For several reasons, Holt disagrees with this commonly used method, mostly due to the fact that teachers are focusing so hard on minor details, they themselves are even forgetting what makes reading really important. It almost seems as though putting a book under a microscope and picking out the smallest details is more crucial than just simply enjoying the reading. In addition, Holt describes how the idea of looking up and memorizing definitions of vocabulary not yet recognized to the students is ineffective. He discovered all the vocabulary quizzes and worksheets asking for definitions were quite a vain method of teaching. Every student’s mortifying nightmare was being forced to read aloud to the class; It was a “ constant source of possible failure and public humiliation.” Eventually this nightmare created a mental wall made of fear of mistakes, humiliation and pain. The primary message in this piece can be seen as children are being cheated from the simple joys of reading.…