Visionary killers kill because they have really bad visions of their past and their childhood and they might kill certain people because of …show more content…
what happened in the past. Mission killers have the need to kill and they also kill certain people also but if is their job to kill and they are not considered psychotic. Hedonistic I wondered why the Killers from the tv shows and the movies are the most famous.
Because they have a lust or thrill to kill and they take time to torture their victims and they are really normal and smart. The book says that they mostly have a bad childhood where they got bullied and were beaten by their parents. Some killers just want to kill people because something in their brain just tells them to kill people. Our brain has an Orbital Cortex that helps us make choices and for serial killers have a lower Orbital Cortex also their amygdala make them not have emotions so when they're killing a people they won't show sympathy to the victim. The brain scan of all the serial killers always has the same …show more content…
problem. Some killers uses their good looks to attract victims and they use their brain they map everything out so they won't mess up. Like Ted bundy he use his looks to attract girls to rape them and murder them and some killer like the zodiac killer who toys around and plays around and makes a game out of his killing he gave a chiper to a press and they only solve one of the may shipper they received from the Zodiac Killer-"I like killing people because it is so much fun it is more fun than killing wild game in the forest because man is the most dangerous animal of all to kill something gives me the most thrilling experience it is even better than getting your rocks off with a girl the best part of it is that when I die I will be reborn in paradise and they have killed will become my slaves I will not give you my name because you will try to slow down or stop my collection of slaves for my afterlife ebeorietemethhpiti". and that's where they got the name zodiac killer he says he killed 37 but only 28 body found and they still don't know who the killer is. Most killers are diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder, which is related to psychopathy their motive to kill is to feel like they are the angel of death, they can kill people if they think it's their time to die a quote from Richard Ramirez says - ‘’Everybody has got good and evil in them.
I’d like to be 100% evil, but I can’t. I’m too easy-going sometimes. Then again, while anger and hate are two things some people can cope with, I cannot. My anger and hate grow to a level that I cannot live comfortably with it. it causes me headaches and stuff. When I get angry, it’s an extreme form. It is the extreme. There is no in between. But there is with good and evil, and I am there’’( ). I'm really interested in killing because the tv show showed me a lot of interesting stuff like what I talk about in the beginning of the paper. And they can live a normal life and we won't be able to tell if they are a killer or not it is scary work your friend might just be your friend because he wants to kill you or if a person stop to help you if you have a flat tire might be a killer and you won't even know it's a scary thing to think about. Also, another quote from Richard ramirez- ‘’We've all got the power in our hands to kill, but most people are afraid to use it. The ones who aren't afraid, control life itself’’. That pretty much the story of my search It was really interesting and weird to read all the thing the serial killers do and the school is probably wondering why is
this kid looking up serial killer he must be messed up or something. But my favorite killer was the zodiac killer because he thinks killing humans is fun because they are the most dangerous animal of all.
Killers are not easily ID and they are smart with their action and choices they make that make them a threat to all things so don't just amused all nice people are nice. So there might just be a killer amongst you and you might not even know until it's too late to stop him or her. You don't know, you just might be a killer, but just don't know it yet until someone bad happens and leads you to a path of darkness.