To teach or not to teach that is the question
Teacher is not only a person, who should teach, it is a person who must lead the pupil on the way to the knowledge. Teacher shows the world and explain the laws of this world. He is often a tutor, a preceptor, a person that you respect. This profession is very hard and important.But, what makes a good teacher?
There are many things which make a teacher great and they all can`t be defined.However i`ve always considered several of them essential.In my opinion a good teacher is someonewho first of all creates interest in studying,doesn`t underestimate the children,has equal expectations of siccess from everyone and last but not least likes his job.
A good teavher always has a sense of purpose.He chooses very carefully the teaching programme and adjusts it to the needs of his students.Children always come first and that`s why the decision he makes are based on how they will affect them.He shares experience with other teachers and thus is always learning new things.
It is very important for a teacher to be a good communicator.
my mind, teacher is at first a man, a person and if he is a difficult person with inner problems, with bad character – he can’t be really good teacher because teacher works with people, not with machines. He should know how to socialize, how to help others. Good teacher must understand their pupils, their feelings. Teacher’s purpose is giving knowledge, but people don’t take knowledge easily, they want to convince themselves in necessity and importance of this information. Good teacher can make so that pupils let pass the studies throw their hearts.
Most of all, it is very important for teacher to love his subject. His mood, opinion irrationally hands on his pupils. If person love something – his feelings, his example will be better than any words.
So, what makes a good teacher? I think, a good teacher is a vocation, a gift of God because sometimes a person have excellent qualities, wonderful character, loves his subject, but we can’t say that he is really good teacher. To be a good teacher is a talent and a miracle.