What makes a good team? Well, this essay will tell you!
To start , the most important thing that a team needs co-operation, otherwise your team will fall apart. The next most important thing is co-ordination. If your team does not have this essential skill, then your aims are misaligned. Another important thing that you need to bear in mind is the commitment you need to fulfill as a team .If you want your team to be successful, you need to be very loyal to each other.A thing that links to commitment and loyalty is your dedication to practise.You always need to give your 110% effort and do truck loads of practise,irrespective whether your team is for athletics or gymnastics, or even golf.
If you want a good,successful and well-controlled team,then you should always be honest.
It is very important to show respect to everyone .I doesn't matter which position they are, even if they are your opponents.This is called good sportsmanship, a key thing for a good team.
As a member of the team, you have a right to contribute your opinion;but this is a package deal, because with this right ,you have the responsibility to let your teammates have their say.
Something that occurs a lot in teams, is decision-making.As a team, you will have to make so many decisions,some as simple a whether to take a water break or not.But every little decision has a very big impact on your team.So it is always good to speak up in a team meeting, and to make that change ,but the change will be an enhancement.
There are still a few things to make a wonderful team;one of them being focus,you need to focus on your target,your aim, your common goal.Without focus,all else will go down the drain.
As a conclusion,we now know that for a good team you need to be honest,give everyone their chance to speak,to focus and give 110% effort,to be loyal to your teammates because they will be your life-long friends,to be commited and dedicated to your practise,to always be a good