What motivates an ADN to pursue higher education? As Janine Spencer RN, PhD, states in her article published in The Journal Continuing Education of Nursing, "Expanding opportunities, raising potentials, and providing an “edge” have been prevailing themes in several studies that investigated the motivation of RNs to receive their BSN." (2008) The need for nurses is growing and nursing schools across the country are struggling to expand their enrollment. Healthcare delivery is changing and is becoming more complex. The need for better-educated nurses at the four-year level is increasing. (Spencer, 2008) What can we do to increase the enrollments for current RN 's that hold an ADN to go back to college? Facilitating articulation agreements and not duplicating the transition of nursing courses is a great way to attract ADN 's into BSN programs.
ADN on the Rise
According to Spencer, "The majority of registered nurses (RNs) hold an associate 's degree. This population is increasing at a much greater rate due to the higher volume and shorter length of ADN programs."(2008) Nurses are able to sit for the NCLEX in a shorter time than if they were to pursue their BSN. This enables the ADN to start their career and increase their income potential much faster. ADN programs are offered at community colleges, which costs less than attending a four-year college. So what is the real difference between the two degrees? ADN nurses are equipped to come out of school with great clinical skills as well as critical thinking skills. The BSN nurse critically thinks on a higher level, is more theory based, is educated in community health nursing, leadership, and nursing research, which are all important in the practice of evidence based nursing.
Facilitation of Articulation Agreements
RN 's that ponder the decision to return to school express concern about the redundancy of nursing courses. "Articulation agreements are
References: Spencer, J. , RN, PhD (2008, July). Increasing RN-BSN Enrollments: Facilitating Articulation through Curriculum Reform. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 39(7), 307-313.