What opportunities do you think the aims set down in the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act and a favorable WTO-agreement
on the free trade of environmental goods and services can offer for
American companies that sell environmental goods, technologies and
Opportunities for U.S. companies
− offered by the liberalisation of EGS & the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act
Do you agree with the aims of the Recovery Act?
In your opinion does the ARRA really provide unique opportunities for companies?
• What environmental issues should be promoted? (*nuclear waste)
• Can u think of any possibilities to provide similar opportunities to EU companies?
The report targeted to give a brief insight to what opportunities are offered to US companies - that
sell environmental goods and services (EGS) – through The American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act and through WTO agreements on this issue. Regarding the complexity and novelty of this
specific area of international trade and global economy we found that there are not many companies
dealing with EGS yet, compared to the amount that is dedicated to this sector in the frames of
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Environmental topics are being quite relevant
worldwide, also WTO has decided upon some measures recently. (e.g. Doha Round – that will be
As a starting point when we were dealing with our topic, although we had some guesses, it was
needed to clearly determine the concept of environmental goods and services. For explaining the
concept of environmental goods there is no clear, generally accepted definition, even the criteria
is lacking to identify this kind of products. Even so, a division holds regarding the different types
of environmental goods; while Class A goods are directly used in the production of environmental
services (such as chemicals, manufactured goods, etc.), Class B ones are not directly