
What Role Did Race And Gender Play In The Early Latin American Revolution

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What Role Did Race And Gender Play In The Early Latin American Revolution
. The new independent countries in Spanish America broke apart within decades of independence due to constant internal conflict and turmoil. Despite having gained their independence by somewhat making a pact and unifying to gain independence, their partial unity soon became fragmented. Conflict occurred in both politics and religion separating them into individual nations with their own set of common beliefs and laws. Social fragmentation occurred within nations as a result of sharp divisions between social classes such as the peasants and the elites. Slaves and peasants were usually suppressed and carefully controlled out of fear from the creoles that similar events to that of the Haitian Revolution would occur. Political difference lead to the break up of unified nations such as Gran Colombia into individual nations. Wars often occur between them as some nations such as Mexico attempted to create a monarchy. All would result in independent republics. Throughout the decades several attempts of unification would be done, but almost all would fail due to the abundance of diversity and differences between each nation. …show more content…
Race and gender played a role in the politics of the early Latin American republics as only creoles and men were usually the ones to have power which resulted in some opposition. As they were only recently independent, the republics needed some sort of revenue which they usually obtained by retaining old policies such as taxes on mestizos. One such policy that was retained prevented women from holding any public positions as Latin America and most of the world was very patriarchal. The majority of the population was often oppressed due to the fear that creoles of the opposition to their power. Very few mestizos had actually received any leadership role which was during the wars for independence. The people of color were usually distinguished from the creoles so that they cannot gain a role in politics of the early

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