Starting in Shakespeare's play Hamlet the ghost of Hamlet senior appears in front of Horatio, Marcellus, and Bernardo. Horatio being a very good friend of Hamlet, King Hamlet´s son, thinks he should tell Hamlet about what the three of them had witnessed that night. In this part of the play we see Hamlet´s character hurt and lonely. Hamlet is hurting after his father's departure, since they had a very close relationship. …show more content…
Hamlet doesn't know whether to believe Horatio or not, therefore Horatio tells Hamlet that he will have to go with them at night so he can witness it with his very own eyes. In his first encounter with the ghost we see how one of the themes impossibility of certainty plays out. Hamlet isn't sure whether to believe that it´s indeed his father´s ghost. He questions whether he was sent from the good or the evil, making christianity references. Hamlet isn't mad at this point rather he is in shock to see his father´s ghost, saying in Act I Scene IV ¨Angels and ministers of grace defend us! Be thou a spirit of health or goblin damned, bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell ... I’ll call thee “Hamlet,” “King,” “Father,” “royal Dane.” O, answer me!Let me not burst in ignorance, but tell why thy canonized bones, hearsed in death, have burst their cerements..¨ After his encounter with the ghost that´s when Hamlet changes from grieving to madness. No one really knows what has gotten into him, later on bringing up the question whether Hamlet is mad or is he faking his madness. In Act II Scene I Ophelia walks in and tells his father her encounter with Hamlet. Polonius starts questioning whether he has gone mad for her love. As for Gertrude she thinks that he hasn´t gone mad but he is still hurting from his father´s death. That´s when the reader starts seeing Hamlet's mood swings