"Though they loved him life seasoned elders answered his courage urged him onwards gazed at the weather wished for the sun." Beowulf fought many battles from the time that he was young warrior until he had grown into an elderly king. In the epic, he slew three menaces: Grendel, Grendel's dam, and a dragon. The warriors were afraid of the monsters, because they knew that they could be murdered by them. Not only did Beowulf have courage to fight, he also had the courage to travel to Denmark to help the Danes who…
This essay is going to describe someone`s character traits that I read about. A fictional character named Beowulf. He is a larger than life character of Epic proportions. Beowulf was a warrior, who was honorable, brave, and courageous.…
Beowulf even defeated a dragon in his old age now that portrays power. Finally, Sir Gawain from Sir Gawain and the green knight. This depicts a knight who took a challenge that at face value, seemed like an easy win but, when the impossible became possible he did not waver. This quote that can be used to explain the courage it took for him to win at his challenge,” Sir Gawain laid hold is axe and lifted it high into the air…and then swiftly he slashed the naked neck.”(Pearl poet 161).To be able to do that without any hesitation requires intense courage sure what happened after that separates the men from the Hero’s. The person who had his head liberated from his shoulders got up picked up his head and walked up to do the same to Sir Gawain but he did not blink and through his courage his finished the challenge triumphant. Without the ideas of heroism these characters be it there will, power, or courage would have been extremely different if the even existed at…
“I’ve never known fear; as a youth I fought, In endless battles. I am old, now, But I will fight again, seek fame still, If the dragon hiding in his tower dares To face me.” Line 2511-2515 Page 103 It is true that Beowulf considers the glory and the spoils to the victor are the goals, but he relies on his old youthful ways of preparing for a fight. Still, Beowulf, however he chooses to prepare, realizes he is older and perhaps not as ready to battle. “The noble prince would end his days on earth, soon. Would leave this brief life, but would take the dragon.” Line 2341-2342 Page 97 Although, he see the spoils of the battle, for Beowulf it is simply a mechanism to do battle. Beowulf is simply gearing up, posturing if you will, and using his old ways to conjure up the strength, that he knows his is lacking, to defeat the dragon. In the end, the hero’s life will come to end and to give his life, slaying the dragon, in an effort to protect his kingdom, pales in comparison to the riches of the dragon’s lair and is the most courageous and noble of…
Beowulf had much pride, which was rare for his time. His pride is always fighting his responsibility to the people around him. He never asks for help, even if he may need it. Beowulf is reckless and races Brecca in the open sea for seven days to satisfy a foolish bet. His pride was the reason he battled all the monsters. He wanted to secure the protection of his people. After hearing…
Now when Beowulf becomes king he becomes king for fifty years and his old but he still ready for a battle to protect his castle from this beast. When Beowulf starts to go fight the dragon he tells his people that “I’ve never know fear, as a youth I fought in endless battles. I am old, now, but I will fight again, seek fame still, if the dragon hiding in his tower dares to face me” line 624. These were his final words to his followers and it shows his true character and shows that he is not afraid to die or afraid to protect his people. But when he does kill the dragon he won’t see what the future hold for him or his followers but he died protecting them.…
Beowulf was very boastful of himself to others. This characteristic was shown to the reader by “-have watch me rise from the darkness of was, dripping with my enemies blood. I drove five great giants into chains, chased all of that race from the earth. I swam In the Blackness of night, hunting monsters out of the ocean, and killing them one by one; death was my errand and the fate they had earned.” (152-157) Beowulf loves the attention that his “mighty” strength gave him. When people mourned over Beowulfs’ death, the author let us know he was well like by the people for example: “-crying that no better king had ever lived, no prince so mild, no man so open to his people so deserving of…
Beowulf grew up a fighter and knew he was destined for greatness in battle as one of the most supreme warriors to roam the mortal world. Beowulf was not fond of recognizing personal downfalls and weakness. Instead, he carried himself with confidence, a sense of swagger, and the heart of a lion. The hero of the time, was much more interested in fighting and building his individual reputation rather than taking over King Heardred’s throne. When the time comes where Beowulf is forced to step into the spotlight and become king, he does not just accept the normal responsibilities that come with being king. Beowulf takes the task by the horns, he doesn’t let his new duties blind…
Throughout the story, Beowulf displays many qualities of a hero. Beowulf is a story about a epic hero who comes from across the sea to save another kingdom from a monster. Beowulf shows qualities only displayed from an epic hero: he is honorable, brave, strong, was born from a noble family, fights for god, has followers, accepts challenges, and many more. I’m going to tell you about a few of these qualities.…
The true strength lies not within the number or quantity, but within every desire and dedication of one’s heart. The present time needs heroes, heroes that will show true strength and courage. Courage that will lead this lost generation for a change. Each day every one of us faces different problems. Problems that will test our strength and willingness. Do what others cannot, what others will not even against the odd. If it is the desire of your heart and blessed by morality.…
Beowulf’s first heroic traits were his use of strtength and courage. With his courage he was able to stand up and protect his fellow people and with his strength it helped him defate his eniemies. For example, in the battle with Grendel,”And defate, the tears torn out of Grendel’s/ Taut throat, hell’s captive caught in the arms/ Of him who of all then men on earth/ Was the strongest” (346-349). In this quote Beowulf showed great strength in the battle with Grendel. He made his enemy run for his life. With Beowulf’s strength he had made the people feel safe again. Everyone thought he had amzing courage for coming face to face with the evil Grendel. In addition, “But so massive that no ordinary man could lift/ From its scabbard, broke the chain on its hilt” (488-490). In the quote, Beowulf showed his strength and lifted a sword that no regular man could lift. His strength allowed him to dominate in battle. If it were not for his pure strength or couage, he would not have been able to dafate Grendel or his mother.…
When Beowulf first arrives, Queen Wealtheow thanks God for sending him to fight Grendel and whish’s him luck. Beowulf replies boastfully that he will either distinguish himself with his heroic deed or die trying. We see here that he is so sure of himself that he is willing to literally bet his life on his skill as a warrior. This act of pride could bring him an untimely death. As night falls Beowulf readies for his fight against Grendal we see one of the most blatant acts of hubris on Beowulf's part at this time, he decides against using armor or weapons to battle Grendal. His…
myself) the pride of online fame. When assessing Beowulf's personality, we need to keep in mind the era Beowulf takes place in (a few hundred years A.D. or so). To appear weak, to appear soft-spoken, and to appear unimportant was social suicide, whether you actually were these things or not. For example, the old king, hindered by old age, loses a dangerous amount of moral from his people from allowing Grendel to attack the hall every night for twelve years.…
Part A- Beowulf like all epic hero’s is strong loyal and brave. These characteristic are what define Beowulf, and instill fear is his enemies. He boasts about “(driving) / five great giants into chains” (248-249) and “In the blackness of night, hunting monsters” (251). Beowulf protects his followers and king, and is proud of his accomplishments. He strives for greatness, his words are arrogant but his actions shine through his overbearing pride and give him the capability to be heroic. (Part B) Beowulf is an epic hero; he takes great pride in his actions, unlike Grendel who feels jealous of humans which causes him to be spiteful towards them: “ Grendel snatched at the first Geat / He came to (and) Ripped him apart” (313-314). Grendel’s pride lays in the fear he instills on humans, without pride Grendel would be a monster with no motive to kill. Furthermore, Beowulf’s pride stems…
Courage is essential to any hero. Beowulf demonstrates no shortage of bravery-this is apparent throughout the entire text. The example of Beowulf fighting the fearsome Grendel with no weapon is one of many; he also travels, alone, to the lake-bottom lair of Grendel's mother and defeats her in short order. At the end of the poem, he comes up against a fire-breathing dragon and slays the beast, even as it mortally wounds him in the process. This streak of courage is best exemplified, I believe, in this seemingly-inconsequential quote: "Beowulf got ready, donned his war-gear, indifferent to death.". Does death not lie at the root of all fear? Do we not shrink from darkness, from poison, from gunfire, because we fear death? And Beowulf, as the poet says, is indifferent to life's only certainty. He rides into battle with no fear, supremely confident in himself and his abilities. This is true courage: the ability to stand up to overwhelming odds with perseverance and determination.…