The successes of Henry VIII can be seen in his ability to keep and gain power and the force of his military efforts.To determine if Henry’s rule was a success, we must define what success means in the context of a ruler. This argument identifies the goals set forth by Henry, and his ability to achieve these goals. It’s also worthwhile to note the state and legacy that his rule left upon England. The reasons we can call Henry VIII’s reign a success will be laid out in his personal, political, religious and military accomplishments while on the throne. Henry’s reign can be defined by his ability to indulge in his desires. Whether that was to take and hold power, spend money on luxuries and war, or to consume more food in his later years. He had a number of personal desires beyond living a life of luxury, namely to have an male heir to the throne. Despite troubling history of marriage, he was successful in not only producing one heir, but three: Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I.Henry was successful in using fear to make those seeking to undermine think …show more content…
He increased the amount of warships in the Royal Navy from 5 to over 40 and constructed fortifications on the southern coast. Through these efforts, Henry earned the title as the “Father of the English Navy”.Despite frivolous spending on war and luxuries, the dissolution of monasteries brought wealth to England. It pleased the Protestants and furthered the dissolution of Catholicism from the Church of England.Among Henry’s political accomplishments was his granting as Lord of Ireland, as well as the Laws in Wales Acts of 1535 and 1542 which brought Wales into the English Kingdom. These successes point towards Henry increasing the rule of England over neighboring territories. Henry VIII was certainly not the nicest king in England’s history, but many of his goals were accomplished how he wanted them to be. He obtained his male heir, obtained the necessary power to end his marriages, built drastically upon the Royal Navy, and was awarded numerous titles. In the question of success, not everything has to be completely moral to expect a successful reign. While England was sure to see more tough times ahead, it was certainly not broken or completely exhausted of resources when Henry