
What Was Macbeth's Downfall

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Misfortune, Madness, Magic, and Macbeth William Shakespeare’s Macbeth is undoubtedly a tragedy given the circumstances presented in the play. More specifically, Macbeth’s tragic downfall is presented through his high position in society, his similar persona to that of an aristotelian tragic hero, but also the circumstances that separate him from the typical hero. Though Macbeth is not the average typical hero, his story is nonetheless a tragedy. Macbeth is ultimately a tragedy due to the series of events that took place in order for Macbeth’s downfall to occur. The tragedy of Macbeth is apparent in the high status and fall from grace, as seen through Macbeth’s character. Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a tragedy, given Macbeth’s status in society. At the start of the play, Macbeth is …show more content…

He was so good he almost seemed too good. Even the king admired Macbeth, saying, “O valiant cousin! Worthy gentleman!” (I ii 24) and “My worthy Cawdor!,“ (I iv 48) agreeing with how amazing Macbeth is. Many believed there was a lot more that Macbeth could have achieved, had he not fallen from grace. Macbeth was a great person, and the person he later became was not the same wholesome character. Macbeth was once a great person and this made the story of his downfall even more tragic. Macbeth was a typical tragic hero, according to the Aristotelian model of a tragic hero. The typical tragic hero grows up in hardship, or struggles greatly, yet still manages to become the great person they are. The audience does not see Macbeth growing up, but the audience can see his tragic past, through the death of his young son. In a similar way, in his tough rise to greatness, his journey to becoming king, Macbeth still gets to where he is through tragedy -- death. As a barbaric, yet valiant soldier, or ruthless noble willing to do anything and everything to become king, there is undoubtedly death involved with both, thus fulfilling the tragic hero

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