
What Was The Impact Of Jim Crow Laws On African Americans

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What Was The Impact Of Jim Crow Laws On African Americans
Section One
1. According to Sources One, Two and Three what impact did the Jim Crow laws have upon the legal and social lives of African Americans living in the Southern States? (300 words)

The Jim Crow laws enforced racial segregation in the American south until the mid-1960s, which made black Americans socially and legally inferior to white Americans. These three sources show how these practices impacted their daily lives.
Source one is the recollections of a black man about social strictures he was expected to follow unquestioningly (“not a question”) in associating with white women in Mississippi. There was to be no insubordination (“don’t mess with”, “don’t talk back”), no fraternizing (“don’t sass”), and no equal adult conversation
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These laws were adopted in the mid-1960s in a culmination of events that started most recently in 1954 with the Supreme Court ruling that “in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place”. The civil rights movement in the late ‘50s and early ‘60s mobilized the masses to implement this desegregation principle in education and other sectors, which naturally fueled demands for complete desegregation and equality of civil rights as well as voting rights. The movement enlisted the support of national political leaders, including Presidents Kennedy and Johnson as well as the Congress, to pass the civil rights legislation in …show more content…
He positioned the movement on the side of hallowed American ideals of liberty and equality, long enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. We hear these themes echoed in his I Have a Dream speech, and also in Kennedy and Johnson’s speeches in Sources 6 and 7. King’s philosophy aligns him with the American tradition of “renew[ing] and enlarge[ing]” American freedoms. (Source 7) In that role, it is little wonder that he should be standing behind President Johnson as he signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law. (Source

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