Two of the main influences of the Monroe Doctrine were the Napoleonic Wars and The Holy Alliance. Back in Europe, Spain's internal political governing structure had overthrown Bourbon rule for republicanism after the Napoleonic Wars. The Council of Vienna gave permission to France to invade Spain and reestablish monarchy. Spanish colonies, which flanked the United States, have already gained independence or were in the process of doing so. The US was concerned that a monarchial Spain overrun by France may …show more content…
They did not want republicanism to spread to their respective countries. America was concerned that the Holy Alliance might try and extend its influence into the west, especially after it created the Ukase Proclamation of 1821. This pact forbade shipping of any kind without Russian approval within one-hundred miles of the coast of the Northwest under penalty of ship confiscation. This negatively affected the trade of the United States and Great Britain, and caused the colonies to become more vulnerable. The Allience could easily reestablish monarchy in the Spanish or US colonies, for enforcements from other countries would be hard to come by. In response, America and Great Britain drafted the Monroe