Columbus had persuaded the king and queen of Spain to finance an expedition to the lands, and the wealth; he expected to be at the Indies and Asia. Columbus would receive ten percent of all the goods collected, governorship over new-found lands, and the fame that would go with a new title: Admiral of the Ocean Sea. Columbus believed the natives could lead him and his men to where the gold was, to be able to take it back to the King and Queen so he took many of them as prisoners on his ship. He also wanted to take them back to Spain as slaves and be able to make them do whatever they wanted them to do. Columbus took advantage of the ignorance of the natives, and made them do…
When Spain started trading with the colonies in the Americas they began to neglect farming and commerce, which led to economic decline. Spain's bad relations with England caused Queen Elizabeth to allow her own captains to take over Spanish treasure ships and loot Spanish cities in the Americas. Spain retaliated and Philip II sent a huge costly armada to invade England but a freak storm whipped out the armada causing Spain to lose money and power. The poor leadership deprived the economy of many skilled artisans and merchants due to the expulsion of the Muslims and Jews. The poor leadership caused more decline in wealth because of costly wars which contributed to soaring inflation also caused by American gold and silver.…
* These pathetic English failures at colonization contrasted embarrassingly with the glories of the Spanish empire, whose profits were fabulously enriching Spain.…
The benefits seen by the Portuguese in the lands they conquered were also witnessed by the Spanish. The lands the latter conquered were “colonizable and readily accessible to seaborne invaders” (Ibid, 58), their populations were also disunited and had “no military organisation” (Ibid) just like the those conquered by the Portuguese. Likewise, the material wealth gained from both the Caribbean and those in the dimensions of the Inca Empire meant that the Spanish could finance their voyages and promise wealth to their seamen. Blunt takes this further and argues that “European success was due” to “being well placed geographically to exploit the gold and silver of the Americas and the colonial trade that these resources made possible”, and so they…
Introduction, today we will read about how a struggling countries government will step in and help assist using the mercantilist economic system. Situation: the Dutch dominated the shipping channels on overseas trade; monopolizing the financial rewards. The current government, the English, needed to intervene on the Dutch because; they were monopolizing the transatlantic shipping lines like it was their “turf”; and had established business relationships with the Europeans- France and Spain. Their process was to pick up and deliver manufactured products between ports, collect delivery fees, and, employ their own countrymen. Who was benefiting? The Dutch and their European relationships-France and Spain. Who was hurting? The English economy. The English government’s goal: to replace Dutch dominance on the transatlantic shipping lines with English presence. Starting in 1651, four types of mercantile regulations were created and installed to help regulate imperial trade. First application of The Navigation Act of 16512...ref first para..…
The global flow of silver during this time period caused many disputes and changes economically between involved countries. Ralph Fitch described trade conducted by the Portuguese between Macao and Japan. Fitch said that the Portuguese had a great advantage in China. They brought gold, perfume, and silk and other luxury goods from China. They had a ship that brought back 600,000 coins’ worth of Japanese silver yearly. Charles D’Avenant describes the English position on trade. D’Avenant was worried about the amount of trade that was sent to China and “buried” there. Europe didn’t receive anything back of solid use from China in return for the gold and silver. Tomas de Mercado tells us about the trade from China to the Spanish Philippines. The high prices of silver ruined Spain and made China richer. Mercado states, “The streets of Manila in the Spanish territory of the Philippines could be paved with granite cobblestones brought from China as ballast in Chinese ships coming to get silver.” This shows us how rich the Chinese were becoming by making people pay domestic taxes and trade fees in silver and the great amounts they were receiving.…
1) The 18th century is known as the era of the Global Economy. Describe the world economy in the first half of the 18th century and assess the effects of the economic, political, and social trends.…
*** Ferdinand and Isabella financed his voyages because Spain wanted to compete with Portuguese expansion…
The Spaniards’ main goal was to prove to the royalty back home that the islands were rich and loaded with gold. Columbus took some of the Arawaks back to show the and when he came back, the slavery and punishment on the natives of the West Indies begins. Howard believed in the basic of equivalent exchange, in order to gain something, others must be sacrifice. Along with his second voyage, Columbus took 500 slaves back to Spain to sell them. Paul liked the idea of slavery produced great riches in the first half of the 19th century and the most terrible of all civil wars in the second.…
Spain is the most powerful monarchy in Europe and the Americas, wished to enrich themselves with the New World’s natural resources. They were not interested in creating a permanent society in the New World. Rather, they came for instant wealth, preferably in gold.…
The late 1400’s and early 1500’s was a time where Conquistadors set sail to find one life changing item, gold. Christopher Columbus had persuaded the king and queen of Spain to give him money so that he could sail to what he believed was…
In 1580 Francis Drake completed his second circumnavigation of the globe. In 1584 Britain authorized privateers to act against rivals. In 1585 Britain established a colony called Roanoke, this was unsuccessful other exploration and settlement had to be put on hold because of religious disputes between Catholics and protestants following Henry VIII's break with the Catholic Church. With that dispute settled, and encouraged by the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, England quickly caught up with its European rivals. Like the French, the English sailed to the New World in search of a short route to Asia. Other English motives included generating benefits for investors who underwrote joint-stock companies and settlement, finding raw materials for England's growing industrial economy, and mercantilism. Mercantilism involved accumulating wealth in the form of precious metals, establishing colonies, and maintaining a positive balance of trade between home country and colony.…
Privateering cannot be justified upon the principles of Virtue; though I know it is not repugnant to The Laws of Nations, but rather deemed policy amongst warring powers thus to distress each other, regardless of the suffering of the individual. But however agreeable to, and supportable by the rights of war; yet, when individuals come thus to despoil individuals of their property, 'tis hard: the cruelty then appears, however, political.…
During the eighteenth century, piracy began ruling the waters surrounding the American colonies. For many people piracy adds an exciting thrill to maritime history with its adventure, romanticism, mysteriousness, and its alluring nature. However, piracy is just the practice of a pirate: these pirates conducted robbery or illegal violence at sea; violence and crimes that killed, hurt, and affected the lives of others.1 Legally, crime is broken into three different parts: mens rea, the mental state of mind the criminal had during the crime; actus reus, the acts that are criminally committed; and locus, when and where the crime happened.2 These three things made the task of classifying a pirate as a criminal an extremely difficult one because the acts committed were inconsistent and the location of the crime was even less consistent; but colonists knew they were criminals. Piracy implied challenges to the law because kept themselves away from states’ jurisdiction, but that was going to change.3 Pirates were criminals and their actions were villainous and they needed to be punished for their wrong doing. They were following the very definition of crime with their acts of mutiny, destruction, and robbery.4 Pirates were a cause of chaos in Maritime History during the beginning of America, especially in the New England colonies, and religious authority used social and moral reasons to stop them.…
In 1607, war with the Dutch lead Spain to bankruptcy, and peace broke out. Spain recovered fairly well, and could have rebuilt their shaky economy through reforms easily managed in this time of peace- however, Spain elected to enter the Thirty Year’s War instead, and soon found themselves fighting the Dutch again (The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict the Period 1500 to 2000, Paul M. Kennedy). In response, the Dutch soon began naval raids upon the Spanish, further reducing their export and weakening the Spanish economy, which was already taxed simply to pay for the war on land (The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict the Period 1500 to 2000, Paul M. Kennedy). The belief that “One More Victory” would win the war exhausted the Spanish nation and severely weakened their army to the point where National rebellions threatened to tear Spain apart (Early Modern Spain: A Documentary History, Jon Cowans).…