This story is told through Nick, while sitting around drinking with his friends Mel and Terri, discussing the popular subject of love and what defines it. Mel was awestruck by an elderly couple he treated in the hospital and told everybody their story, it being clear to the reader how it affected him; he hoping to achieve the same level of love one day. “I mean, it was killing the old fart just because he couldn’t look at the fucking woman.” The climax was reached between the conversation about Terri’s ex-husband and the elderly couple; being that everybody by this point had had a passionate and strong opinion. The conclusion could be considered a matter of opinion, but satisfactory nonetheless; anybody can sit down and talk about love, but in the end nothing is really resolved. …show more content…
The world we live in is filled with violence, from war, video games, novels and stories, and everyday human relationships.
Since fiction is a reflection of life, of course violence is incorporated to these stories. As Terri points out in her abusive marriage to Ed, “It may sound crazy to you, but it’s true just the same. People are different, Mel. Sure, sometimes he may have acted crazy. Okay. But he loved me. In his own way maybe, but he loved me. There was love there, Mel. Don’t say there wasn’t.” To most readers this is tragic, but it is a reality, and a lot of people would be able to relate, thus helping the reader to understand where Terri was coming from, or opening their eyes to an issue not thought upon
Of course we’re aware of the main plot being about love, but the question is, what stems from that? You could say obsession, jealousy, and pain. Even the two main couples represent different stages of “being in love.” Nick and Laura are in the early “honeymoon” phase; Mel and Terri are the older, more experienced couple. This is just the nature of life. When we meet somebody, our feelings gradually increase or decrease. It is a growing process that never stops and is felt differently towards each individual we might encounter.
Ultimately, this story doesn’t just have a clear cut moral or life lesson to be learned. It is to be reflected upon and compared to our experiences and what can be taken from them. Not to be said there isn’t a point to Carver’s story. I think he wanted us to be on the outside looking in, seeing how our “love” can sometimes affect others.