Factories were filled with dirty machinery, unguarded by railing. It was not uncommon for workers to fall in or get their arms caught into belts. The majority of workers also worked extremely long hours, working fourteen hours a day, six days a week. The air at factories was nearly as bad as tenants, as machinery was powered by coal and left workers covered in black soot by the end of the day. However the worst conditions were in coal mines. Tunnels would cave in and coal dust filled the air. Many times children would be used to do the jobs of mining as they were small enough to allow for smaller tunnels and they were the cheapest
Factories were filled with dirty machinery, unguarded by railing. It was not uncommon for workers to fall in or get their arms caught into belts. The majority of workers also worked extremely long hours, working fourteen hours a day, six days a week. The air at factories was nearly as bad as tenants, as machinery was powered by coal and left workers covered in black soot by the end of the day. However the worst conditions were in coal mines. Tunnels would cave in and coal dust filled the air. Many times children would be used to do the jobs of mining as they were small enough to allow for smaller tunnels and they were the cheapest