The Boxer rebellion was an example of Chinese nationalism against foreign influence. The uprising took place during the Qing dynasty, which was established in 1614. The Boxer Rebellion weakened the dynasty, following an uprising in 1911, the dynasty came to an end and China became a republic in 1912. The Boxer Rebellion targeted both the Machu dynasty in China and influence of European within China. Though the Boxer Rebellion failed but it did enough to stir up national pride within China itself. In 1895, China had been defeated by Japan. This was a humiliation for the Chinese, for Japan always been considered as a lesser nation to China. China lost control of Korea and Formosa to Japan. It was believed that …show more content…
Many Europeans were convinced that their nation was threatened by the expansionist plots of their rivals. The overwhelming influence of imperialism, militarism and nationalism, created a mass delusion that a European war was both winnable and necessary. Nationalism played a dynamic role in paving the way for World War One. The impulse to protect and to defend their national sovereignty and identity, provided the driving force behind the inability of influential diplomats, political leaders and monarchs, to stem the tide of the rising sense of justice, the breach of nationalism, and the encroaching ultimatums that generated resistance to negotiations and spawned hostile threats. Nationalism caused the fight to maintain sovereignty over empires that were built through imperialism, and this fight added fire to the flame that erupted into WW1. Nationalism caused arrogance within the countries and it caused them to feel entitled .Each country felt that they were to prove their countries’ superiority through fighting. The British believed that they had the most invisible naval army. The French were convinced that their fortresses were superior and their defense mechanisms were untouchable by their enemies. Germans trusted in their Schlieffer Plan. The Germans also took great pride in their submarines and U-boats. The heightened intentional conflict continued and brewed into a Second World War. WW1 was not only a harsh and gruesome war that was glorified but it also showed no respect to the lives of the civilians. The killings were justified because they were fighting for their