A Japanese Internment …show more content…
In the relocation camps, Japanese Americans adhered to strict rules and curfews. Some known trials include the trial of Min Yasui; Gordon Hirabayashi; and Fred Korematsu. Yasui was convicted of violating the curfew order, while Hirabayashi contravened the curfew order and failed to report evacuation, and Korematsu failed to report evacuation, These were only a few of the numerous trials (Ng, page 177). The evacuation of Japanese Americans was planned by the Wartime Civil Control Administration (WCCA). They began to figure out a plan for the process of the Japanese who were living in the Western Defense Command. Before any evacuee is permitted to leave a relocation center for the purpose of taking a job or establishing normal residence, however, certain requirements must be met: A careful check is made of the evacuee's behavior record at the relocation center and of other information in the hands of the WRA, There must be reasonable assurance from responsible officials or citizens regarding local sentiment in the community where the evacuee plans to settle. If community sentiment appears so hostile to all persons of Japanese descent that the presence of the evacuee seems likely to cause trouble, the evacuee is so advised and discouraged from relocating in that particular area, Each evacuee going out on indefinite leave must agree to keep the WRA informed of any change of job or address …show more content…
Internees resided in uninsulated barracks.The camps were surrounded by barbed-wire fences patrolled by armed guards who had instructions to shoot anyone who tried to leave. As stated earlier, Japanese Americans adhered to strict rules and curfews. Although there were a few isolated incidents of internees’ being shot and killed, the camps generally were run humanely. Residents used common washrooms (BritannicaAcademic). Internment camps were sometimes located in remote areas where weather conditions weren't always favorable. As stated earlier, Japanese Americans adhered to strict rules and