I would not quit Washington’s army because of there being a lot of sick people, but you had a low chance of dying from the sickness. In document A about 3989 out of 8000 people were sick in Valley Forge. About half of the soldiers were sick, so about 50% of Washington’s army in Valley Forge were sick. In document A all of the soldiers, all 12000 soldiers, half of them were sick but only about 1800 died from sickness. So all of the soldiers that died shows me that 15% of all of the soldiers died from sickness, so if you were there in Valley Forge and you were sick you would have a 15% of dying. I would not quit because …show more content…
George Washington’s speech also included him talking about how you should not be a summer soldier because if you were one then Washington called you weak. So most people stayed because of this speech also because of that most people probably didn’t like being called weak. George Washington said “the summer soldiers...will in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country (doc D). What that means is that summer soldiers are weak, they don’t like to fight in hard conditions, they don’t fight when you might starve or freeze to death. Goerge Washington also