Firstly, there are many outside of school activities that some students may need to do or complete, before even thinking about after school activities. Firstly some students may have dance practice or cheer leading practice, which you need to stay focus the whole time because if you don't then it can cause you to get kicked off of them, you could fail …show more content…
Firstly, some students may need to do chores at home, and staying after school wouldn't help them, because sometimes the students need a good amount of time to clean either their rooms or their whole house, and sometimes the student may feel to tired or drained out to clean anything whatsoever. Secondly, some students may have to either babysit someone else's child or even their siblings, sometimes students even babysit children for the money of course, but it could also help the students buy their supplies for different things, or the money may even be for to help the parents, and also help provide themselves clothes and other materials they need. And by staying after school it could throw some students schedule off track. Lastly, some students may even have abuse problems that happens to them at school by their parents, and sometimes the parents or the students guardian wouldn't want their victim to eat them out, and they probably depend on them for either cleaning, cooking, or other things the student needs to …show more content…
For example, some people may need to focus on their homework, but adding another class to their schedule probably would most likely throw them off task, also some students may need their focus in school at all time because, they might have focus issues and don't really catch on as much as other people in their school work, and if you don't catch on in your school work how will you pass a test, and do your homework correctly. Many students also deals with stress issues, and other health issues, but most people who feels stress most likely has been put under a lot of pressure or the student has been going through something rough in their life. Thirdly, some students may also have school trouble that has nothing to do with their work wise, it can also be about them getting bullied or rumors has been put down on their names, but students may also go threw them types of