5th period
In life I want to accomplish many things for my family and me. Something I really want to accomplish is to be someone to remember in the future. I want to do something that contributes some kind of benefit to the human kind. I want to achieve something everyone can benefit from, possibly something that may save lives. There are many kinds of obstacles in life but I know with my family there to support me, I will accomplish whatever I set my mind on. In the future when I go to college I really want to major in medicine. It has always been a dream of mine to go into a medical field when I grow up. As far as medicine goes, I want to become a neurosurgeon. It is a lot of work and it takes a lot of dedication to become a neurosurgeon. My life plan is to go to college for almost twenty years. I have to begin with the regular four years of college, after that I must go to four years pre-med, four years MD and six years of residency. To be legally qualified to be able to poke in someone’s brain you must study for the absolute minimum of 14 years. Neurosurgery associates with the surgical treatment of problems affecting the brain, spine, peripheral nerves and the arteries of the neck. The word neurosurgery elaborated from the words “neuro” and “surgery”. The word is very self-explanatory; “neuro” means nervous system. Therefore being a neurosurgery is treating a neurological disease with surgery. With a little support effort and the dedication I will have, I know I can make it. Once I finish with college and have a set career, I want to leave my family set for life. I want them to have everything I didn’t have as a kid and I want them to do well in life and work hard for whatever they want to achieve. I expect them to do something great with their lives. Like I expect to leave a mark with my name, I want them to have the same expectations for themselves. When I pass away I would like for my family to