The Happiest Moment Of My Life I can share, but a lot of them that I am not even able to describe them with my words. If I talk about the happiest moment of life, it is when I got accepted to YES... Premium
a Moment In My Life his voice steady. He informed my sister and me, in the longest few moments of my life, that he and my mother would have to separate. At first, this didnt register... Premium
Each Moment Of Your Life Is a Picture up and collect them..they were designed to be STRONG! [pic]Dont think how many moments in your life Dont think how many moments in your life, just think how much... Premium
The Happiest Experience In My Life happiest experience in my life I have gained many experiences . There were good and bad experiences .All these experiences have made me more matured... Premium
a Moment In My Life Were i Was Proud Of Myself A moment in my life where I was proud of myself happened around the summer I graduated from high school in 2007. When I had finally graduated I could finally take a... Premium
Happiest Day Of My Life having spent two hours which made 11th July 2010 the happiest day of my life. This day shall always be in my memory as it was the day of the 19th FIFA WORLD CUP... Premium
Happiest Moment left to join the other kids who were already in the dining area having their lunch . It was my happiest moment . I 've never appreciated school activities like... Premium
The Happiest Day Of My Life second position, but also did a brave and noble act by saving a boy from going into the jaws of death. This day would go down as one of