Week 1
IPP Assignment
Integrated Portfolio Project Guidelines
Baker College requires that in all Accelerated BSBA Online Courses, students submit an Integrated Portfolio Project which is an evolutionary collection of work-related products that are specific to the subject of the course. Portfolios are organized in a systematic manner for the purpose of communicating and demonstrating what a student has learned and achieved in the context of the course. This concept facilitates the application of theory learned in the course by providing the student with an opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the subject matter in the context of student professional goals and competencies. The portfolio also enhances the assessment of student practice-related skills, which are difficult to measure through traditional comprehensive examinations."
For this course, each student will produce a final portfolio project paper due Day 4 of Week 6. The paper will be a Country Entry Risk Assessment for a country and product of the student’s choice. It is to comprise 2400-3000 words,(7-10 pages), exclusive of the Abstract, Title Page, Table of Contents or Reference page, and is to follow all style formatting and referencing/citation requirements for APA version 5. The purpose of the paper is to prepare an analysis of the risk issues that might be found in introducing the product into the specific country, utilizing the theories and concepts in the course material. In addition to the method of entry discussion mentioned in item one below, at least three of the remaining topics must be covered in the paper. The key risk areas include:
Method of product entry (Direct Export, License, Franchise, etc.)
Geo-Political Issues
Foreign Exchange
Political Economic Issues
Labor and Staffing
Legal and Political conditions
Demand and Competitive Factors
Infrastructure (Communications Systems, Roads, Seaports, Airports, Rail Systems, etc).
During Week 1, each student should