In societies with reduced mobility, (predominantly non-western cultures) arranged marriages are common as love is expected to grow due to the fact that it is not seen as necessary for marriage. Arranged marriages seem to work well and make good sense as divorce rates are low and Epstein (2002) found that perhaps about half of them report that they have fallen in love with each other.…
In chapter thirteen, Susan J. Ferguson talks about arranged marriages and how love come from that. I have mix feeling about arranged marriages because it could either go a bad way or you could find the person of your dreams. One of my best friend is from the middle east and that is somehow acceptable or common in her culture. But from what she has tell me is common but not everyone does it because in her religion you cannot force someone to get marry. However, her family does not have any arranged family between them, it depends on your family traditions. In America, we do not have arranged marriages. We go by who we love,does not matter they passes life, family or financial status. Something that people who believe in arrange marriages see.…
In the essay “The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love”, Stephanie Coontz discusses the change marriage has made among the different cultures around the world and how it went from being an act that was necessary to something that was done for personal joy and fulfillment.…
I knew that arranged marriage was prevalent, but not to the extent that the article explains. A particular concept I found interesting was that unarranged marriages created through love, or “love match” have their own name and unique distinction; a very good friend of mine was born in India and frequently expresses the pride he has from his parents being married by love and not by arrangement. This article encouraged me to open my mind and realize how different cultures can be. For example, instead of just expecting food, dress, and language to vary as culture varies, it is important to remind myself that everyday components of the Western culture I know can be very different elsewhere—and that the differences are…
Arranged marriage is somewhat offensive to feminist America. There is a level of freedom attached to choosing who and when to marry. Hollywood portrays arranged marriage as the evil separator of lovers, the extinguisher of freedom, and the ultimate subjugation of women. Vogue has an article titled “The Arranged Marriage That Ended Happily Ever After: How My Parents Fell In Love, 30 Years Later.” The article highlights the good points of the couple’s marriage which was arranged years earlier in India. Yet, these people had a thirty-year marriage without the “passionate feelings to glaze over your partner’s flaws in…marriage” (Jacob). Marriage looks clinical and dry this way. However, this is the outside view of arranged marriage. Cultural customs…
(Western)In collectivist societies the individual in love must consider the wishes of family and other group members, which sometimes includes agreeing to an arranged marriage, speed dating…
Stephanie Coontz’s essay on “The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love” shows her opinion that the expectations of marriage are unrealistic based on different societies around the world in different time periods. For example in George Bernard Shaw’s theory, he believed that married was “an institution that brings together two people under the influence of the most violent, most insane, most delusive and most transient of passions” (qtd. I’m Coontz 378). In our history all of the world marriage has been said to be a tool of survival. Emotional love played a small part in marriage and was even sometimes discouraged. Even in today’s world love is still no seen as a necessity of marriage.…
In the short story “Federigo’s Falcon” by Giovanni Boccaccio evidence is shown that points to the change that was coming. In Boccaccio’s story a widow named Monna Giovanna was urged relentlessly by her brothers to remarry as she was wealthy and young. Nonetheless Monna stood her ground finally agreeing to remarry but only on her terms. This small action spoke volumes, though it was something that would most certainly not have happened at the time it illustrated the need for change and foreshadowed the coming of such change. Now, centuries later that change has made marriage a beautiful thing in 2016 people can marry just about whoever they want and actual love is at the center of it all and is now the main focus of this age old…
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the significance of Compassion Fatigue (CF) and its…
Coontz also explains that she didn’t believe that the people of the past had more control over their hearts than we do today or that they were incapable of deep love that so many people hope to achieve in a marriage…
The deliberation of the word marriage is connected to thoughts, feelings, emotions either its love marriage, arranged marriage or forced marriage. Antecedently, discussing the concept of forced marriage and arranged marriage, I would like to bring thoughts of the reader toward two stories related to forced and arranged marriage. Begin with a story of a poor family with only the father somehow making some earning and have two daughters that he wanted to get married as soon as possible because they were getting older. As we can assume after a certain age, usually it gets harder for the girls to get married. So whoever was telling the father or the mother that we have seen this Rishta (marriage) for a daughter? The people are exquisite, and your…
Thesis: As the world is becoming more diverse, people have different opinions as to whether to get married or stay single, and contributing to their decision are the amount of money they used, the freedom they get, and the responsibilities they have on their shoulders.…
Johnson, Laura. "A tradition of love: Couple intend to make their arranged marriage last." Anniston Star, The (AL) 14 Feb. 2011: Newspaper Source. Web. 5 Nov. 2011.…
People today and in the 1800’s take into account the qualities that are incorporated in a person that make them fit for marriage. Financial stability is an essential element that determines whether that person is worthy to be one’s partner, or not. However, that is not the main aspect that is looked upon by single people of our modern era. Most people today take into account happiness, love, family, appearance, talent, and character when choosing a lifelong partner. But in the 1800s, it didn’t matter if…
If love is rushed then resentment can grow, being careful in this aspect of life can help later down the road. This partner in life will be trusted with the income, bills, and possible children. Singer-songwriter Marvin Gaye once said, “Marriage is miserable unless you find the right person that is your soul-mate and that takes a lot of looking.” If someone would not trust their partner with all of the responsibility that goes into a marriage then they will not be able to assist their partner’s work to their American Dream. James R. Rogers, department head of political science at Texas A&M University analyzed the Declaration of Independence and interpreted the ‘pursuit of happiness’, “The right to “the pursuit of happiness” affirmed in the Declaration of Independence is taken these days to affirm a right to chase after whatever makes one subjectively happy,’ happiness can be compared to The American Dream, as they both vary in definition between every person, what Rogers is saying is that every American holds the right to chase anything that makes them happy; whether that be a family in a large house or a significant other to travel around the world with. With happiness comes the chasing of it, and this in itself takes time and…