With Claudius’s reaction to his play The Mousetrap, Hamlet believes the ghost was telling the truth, and Claudius is the murderer. Later Hamlet notices Claudius kneeling to pray, draws his sword, approaches the king, and does…nothing. Once again, Hamlet has an opportunity to kill Claudius, but chooses to delay his revenge after thinking about what he is about to do. As Hamlet is thinking, he realizes that Claudius would go to heaven if he was killed while praying, whereas Claudius “took [his] father grossly, full of bread, / With all his crimes broad blown, as flush as May” (III.iii.81-82). Hamlet’s contemplative nature leads him to realize that he wants to send Claudius to hell as well, allowing for the ultimate revenge. Always the philosopher, Hamlet stops to think about what would happen if he killed Claudius at that moment in time, resulting in another delay and no action. Hamlet is given the perfect opportunity for revenge, but chooses to wait for the right moment, proving his indecision and contemplative
With Claudius’s reaction to his play The Mousetrap, Hamlet believes the ghost was telling the truth, and Claudius is the murderer. Later Hamlet notices Claudius kneeling to pray, draws his sword, approaches the king, and does…nothing. Once again, Hamlet has an opportunity to kill Claudius, but chooses to delay his revenge after thinking about what he is about to do. As Hamlet is thinking, he realizes that Claudius would go to heaven if he was killed while praying, whereas Claudius “took [his] father grossly, full of bread, / With all his crimes broad blown, as flush as May” (III.iii.81-82). Hamlet’s contemplative nature leads him to realize that he wants to send Claudius to hell as well, allowing for the ultimate revenge. Always the philosopher, Hamlet stops to think about what would happen if he killed Claudius at that moment in time, resulting in another delay and no action. Hamlet is given the perfect opportunity for revenge, but chooses to wait for the right moment, proving his indecision and contemplative