During sexual reproduction, the sperm swims to the egg and releases its acrosomes that will penetrate into the egg sparking the mitotic process. Mitosis is the replication of cells that results in two identical copies of one cell. This makes the ball of cells completely unique genetically. Yes, it is true that right after fertilization, all that has resulted is a ball of cells. However, the ball of cells, called the zygote, has the full potential to become a fully functioning human being. After all, you were just a ball of cells once, and look at you now. This is why abortion is morally wrong, because the ball of cells that is killed during an early abortion has the potential to become a human being. Just 1 short week after fertilization, the egg burrows itself into the mother’s uterus. For the rest of the 1st trimester, the cell grows at an astronomical rate. At 4 weeks the blastocyst, as it is now called, is the size of a grain of rice, and is now forming a heart, spine, arms, and legs. At 23 days the heart begins to beat. At 8 weeks, all of the organs are in place, and the organism is now called a fetus. 10 weeks, the fetus can feel. 13 weeks, the baby can make expressions and is developing its own unique finger and toe prints. At 26 weeks, the baby can now taste, squeeze its hand, respond to light, hear sound, and most critically, has a
During sexual reproduction, the sperm swims to the egg and releases its acrosomes that will penetrate into the egg sparking the mitotic process. Mitosis is the replication of cells that results in two identical copies of one cell. This makes the ball of cells completely unique genetically. Yes, it is true that right after fertilization, all that has resulted is a ball of cells. However, the ball of cells, called the zygote, has the full potential to become a fully functioning human being. After all, you were just a ball of cells once, and look at you now. This is why abortion is morally wrong, because the ball of cells that is killed during an early abortion has the potential to become a human being. Just 1 short week after fertilization, the egg burrows itself into the mother’s uterus. For the rest of the 1st trimester, the cell grows at an astronomical rate. At 4 weeks the blastocyst, as it is now called, is the size of a grain of rice, and is now forming a heart, spine, arms, and legs. At 23 days the heart begins to beat. At 8 weeks, all of the organs are in place, and the organism is now called a fetus. 10 weeks, the fetus can feel. 13 weeks, the baby can make expressions and is developing its own unique finger and toe prints. At 26 weeks, the baby can now taste, squeeze its hand, respond to light, hear sound, and most critically, has a