When Everything Changes, Change Everything
When Everything Changes- Change Everything? How do you deal with change? Are you a change-agent or a mere resistance to change? Are you intimidated with the possibility, and have the pessimistic ‘what-if’ personality? Do you change the change itself by physical or clout power? Or are you strong and welcome the possibility of something new? How do you take change? How should you take change? I guess I just flustered you with my mountain of enigmas. Sorry! I would still like you to answer those questions to yourself, so we both can really get involved with each other, during the progression of this topic- Change. Let me begin by introducing this little menace. My “unemotional” Oxford dictionary feels that change makes somebody/something different from what they used to be, or to stop having one state and start having another. I think it should be defined as the possibility that something new is coming and not as the misconception that “everything is over.” How do you react to change? “Oh my God! I’m dead,” or “No! I’m ruined” or “S#!t! My life’s over,” or most probably “@$#@-_-@%.” Don’t blame yourself. That’s all instinctive. What you should change is the way you deal with the change itself. Don’t try to change the change, but change your response and see how positively the change unfolds. To further go into detail and explain my thoughts towards this, I would like to bring forward a poem by a wonderful poet, Ms. Em Claire Walsch- “The Longing.” This is where a person deals with a situation where something suddenly happens that changes a lot of things for him/her, mentally, physically, emotionally or worse- all of them together.
This beautiful poem ‘The Longing’ is written by Em Claire, the prominent poet depicting various stages of life in her poetry. The theme of this poetry reflects to be that stage of life where someone looses one of his desired possessions and the aftermath of that event on that individual. The aftermath of