When Good Reviews Go Bad
In the case study “When Good Reviews Go Bad”, it discusses several different woman getting top performance appraisals but as soon as they are on maternity leave and go back they are transferred, laid off, or cut the position altogether.
According to the case study, there are several different woman getting top performance appraisals but as soon as they are on maternity leave and go back they are transferred, laid off, or cut the position altogether. Organizations establish performance management systems to meet three broad purposes: strategic, administrative, and developmental (Noe, 2011). When an …show more content…
That means you must provide the same accommodations for an expectant worker that you do for any employees unable to perform their regular duties. In addition, the PDA requires you to provide sick leave and disability benefits on the same basis or conditions that apply to other employees who are granted leave for a temporary disability. Women who take maternity leave must be reinstated under the same conditions as employees returning from disability leave (Maternity, …show more content…
Since some state laws grants employees more generous leave and may apply to smaller employers than the FMLA, and to make sure my attorney reviews my policy before I disseminate it to employees. The importance of this article is to educate soon to be mothers and employers in how to better communicate with each other and know the regulations of the law and abide by them.
Works Cited
Chait, J. (2006). Performance Review While on Maternity Leave. In LoveToKnow Pregnancy. Retrieved May 12, 2013, from http://pregnancy.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Performance_Review_While_on_Maternity_Leave
Maternity Leave Laws: Legal Guidelines for Employers. (2008, October 17). In Business Management Daily. Retrieved May 12, 2013, from http://www.businessmanagementdaily.com/6931/maternity-leave-laws-legal-guidelines-for-employers
Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2011). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (fourth ed., pp. 91). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill