The world is not grey. It’s either white or black, good or bad. And when it comes to greed, there’s nothing good about it. It can bring out the worst in people. We go in a journey to explore human’s nature, greediness and evil. We see the bad use of power and how having it could not turn the way we imagine. When a man finally gets something that he thought would be enough, he doesn’t feel satisfied and seeks for more. Because that’s just part of being human and the one thing that differs us from one to another is the conscience, if it’s gone, then wickedness will rule. The story is not only about the greed of one person, but also about other people who dream of power. The doctor and how he changed his attitude towards Kino after finding out about the pearl is an example. The pearl is like a poison that fill the town with evil people who let their desires and hunger take control over them. They only think of themselves and the things they need. They’re willing to get what they want at any cost, even if it caused damage to others. The aspect that mostly took my attention in the book is music and nature and how they’re connected …show more content…
They always say music is the language that we all share and love, and that applies to nature as well. “They had made songs to the fishes, to the sea in anger and to the sea in calm, to the light and the dark and the sun and the moon, and the songs were all in Kino and in his people – every song that had ever been made, even the ones forgotten.” Kino is a man who loves nature and enjoys every good part of it. He has a very personal song that’s called Song of the Family. It’s the sound of the waves on the beach, the grinding stone and the creak of the rope. The sound that represents everything that’s safe, warm and whole for him and his family. When he hears the Song of the Family, it means that they’re living a quiet life and in peace. But life isn’t always that peaceful. Things turn around when he starts hearing the Song of Evil which represents danger. It’s also called the Song of the Enemy. It’s everything that brings a threat to his family and their lives. He hears it right when he sees a poisonous scorpion near their baby. This is the point where everything just changes from good to bad to worse. For Kino, the good parts of nature create a warm music and the opposite applies to the bad