1. The first example that comes to mind is what you say to your wife versus what you say to your friends. When I speak to my wife, there is generally a filter on jokes and statements. When I am around my friends, that filter starts to fade away.
2. My next example is the difference in the way you speak to your boss versus how you speak to the people at the same level as you or below you. When speaking to those at your level or below, it is much easier to problem solve, talk through different tasks, and brain storm. By the time the task gets to my boss, I typically try to have as many answers as I can and keep everything summarized unless they ask for more detail. This is because the job at our level requires us to spend forty hours a week working on a task while boss is counting on us to do this and only wants to spend thirty minutes to an hour on it so they can manage other things. If I were to start trying to brain storm an idea from scratch with boss, it would probably not be accepted very well.
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Lastly, religion is tricky when it comes to what you do and what you say. My religion calls me to go and make disciples of the world. However, if I tried to debate someone who isn’t really interested in what I have to say, then it is really a waste of both of our times. However, if I am talking to someone at my church, our in depth conversations and even debates can makes us stronger in our faith. So, when talking to someone who doesn’t share my faith, I try to be conscientious of whether or not they want to hear what I have to say and even if they are interested, I try not to drown them in deep theology. I do this to be accepted when talking to both types of