This is an African quote illustrating the misleading stories of hunters about their hunt. Most of the hunters create myths of miraculous events in the forest. Hunters narrate surprising events of their bravery against lions. They exaggerate the tales of their hunting. As no one has approach to forest so authenticity of these tales is always suspicious. The theme of this quote expresses the biased stories to hide the facts of different events.
The quote is just like the faulty history written by victors against their surmounted enemies. History provides us clues in this regard as it is written by the victors and invaders. So, we hardly find the descriptions of the invaded nation.
Illustrating this quote, I would like to give an example of American attack on Iraq. Americans accused Iraq of having perilous chemical weapons. Western media generally and American media particularly supported the cause. U.N. gave the permission to attack without checking the authenticity of the reports. Hunters did not found any chemical weapons in Iraq. No country spoke about the Iraqi heroes as the hunters never let anyone.
Drone attacks are also an Americans annexation on Libya and Pakistan. All the children and women killed in these attacks are also called terrorists by Americans. The other side of story is never discussed. Most of the drone killings are signatory and innocents die. Hundreds have died and thousands have become injured and disabled in these actions. The other side of story is kept hidden to support the cause of hunters.
There is another example to classify this quote that Muslims ruled the world for centuries. They enlightened the ways in all fields of life such as science, technology, education, warfare and research in explicit areas. Western scientists have made research works by the findings of many Muslim scientists. They also copied and patented works of Muslim scientists but now they