This cowardly act created by the commercial results in confusion and chaos around the world. Many newspapers started to bicker over this commercial. Originating from The Washington Post, Brigid Schutte questioned their audience, “Work-and-spend caught in a time-sucking treadmill of more spending, more stuff, more debt, stagnant wages, higher costs and more work to pay for it all?” (Schulte 8), while The ELR commercial highly commended the consistency of working. The world perceives hard working as one of American trait throughout World History. For the Cadillac Commercial, Neal Mcdonough, an American voice actor, presents the ad by stating, “Other countries, they work, they stroll home, they stop by the cafe, they take August off”(Mcdonough 1), criticizing other European countries to make yourself look better is an act of a coward. In America, employed workers usually take two weeks, while in Europe some countries take off a whole month. In addition, another newspaper by Jonathan Merritt censures the Cadillac commercial by saying, “Workaholism is linked to reduced physical and mental wellbeing” (Merritt 6). The commercial only presents the bold missive part of the story, unfortunately, but does not tell the audience the real truth. In general, most newspapers discuss the Cadillac ad as a deceiving commercial that does not display the American …show more content…
With the first American landing on the Moon, the ad clearly announces that, “We’re the only ones going back up there, that's why”, providing a sense of advancement and determination. Nevermind the fact that The Huffington Post utters in the dark that, “ U.S. government is now paying Russia $70 million a pop to shuttle NASA astronauts to the International Space Station”(Gregoire 7), contradicting the ELR commercial to reaffirm American ideals. The commercial believes in only taking two weeks off as employed worker, but others newspapers provide a statement by Henry Ford, “40 hours was as far as you could push manual laborers in a week before they got stupid and began making costly mistakes” (Schutte 12). In order to live a healthy life, a balance of leisure and hard work would be obligatory . Humans need space and time away from work to reconsider their goals and spend time with others. For example, the Wright Brothers were unsuccessful on how to create a plane until they took some time off. Proving my point that resting decreases the effects of stress, boosts your memory, and expands your frontal lobe. Other countries even provide “nurture days per child until age 8, as Denmark does” (10), as The Washington post states. American values are known to be as creative, optimism, and unity of all, but the Cadillac commercial repudiates with the knowledge of their own thought of American