10-17-17 Mrs. B
When school was first invented, it was in the industrial age. School was used for a training for kids to train for factory work. School is still used today as so called “training” for a real job but in many ways the school system hasn't changed since the industrial age. In school everyday all kids do is follow instructions, but in the real world, how much could following directions really help you? In school you are rewarded for doing exactly what you're told. In the industrial age, all you needed to know was how to do what you're told for production purposes. In today's world people are looked up to for being innovative, creative, and different. When kids are being taught in groups and being told to do thing after the next, there is no creativity involved. Kids have little to no control in the classroom to flourish their creativity skills. From start to the end of the day kids are told what to …show more content…
do by adults. This is giving the child no skills to run a business or be a leader themselves. “Kids often describe school with negative connotation because in school they do not feel free” -Peter Gray. Also in school today there is little of authentic learning. Kids are taught various subjects then at the end of the year the child is forced to take an assessment based on the information they should have retained. After this exam many kids forget the material they were “taught” shortly after this exam. Learning in schools should not be based on memorization. Learning can be much more in depth, but the schools only value test scores and grades. This makes students study, get tutoring, and stress over information they will soon forget and never need again. In schools all kids are taught the same thing, the same way, like kids are being bred into something they have no control over.
All kids are different with different passions and interests but these schools do not respect the basic right of being a human in America with free will. The American dream is to find you passion as a person and schools do not help kids achieve this by throwing them in classes they don't want to take. The biggest problem in the school system is the way the information is given and the teachers themselves. Teachers that have finessed a tenure teaching job and do not deserve it, are very hard to lay off because of the teacher union. Teachers are responsible for shaping the youth and the quality of the teacher should be looked in a lot more than it actually is. Also many kids learn differently, some are visual learners, some are hands on learners and more. Schools do not accommodate the learning preferences of students. This could lead to students becoming bored, fall behind, and
fail. The school system has many flaws for children, it is outdated. Now technology is at the fingertips of the youth and it is virtually possible to learn anything. The need for school is starting to make less sense as I as a student get older and as information becomes more and more available. In the Industrial age school was needed as a training but now there is already training for jobs. School keeps a kids mind working but there is other ways to achieve this instead of forcing children to take classes they are interested in, and if they do not go to school they cannot achieve in the real world.