almost every night. From the intel, I gathered, it was made known to me that teacher think that assigning more homework will increase their test grades. In fact, multiple articles stated this, and guess what it didn’t help. According to the articles I read massive amounts of homework lower test grades. And the worst part the U.S. isn’t country who does this according to an article, “Countries around the world are doing tis an attempt to increase their test scores,” but my question is WHY? Why? Do you use a method that you see is not beneficial; one that is not help but lowering them. Why?
Because according to an article countries who assign little amounts of homework, have been known to have higher test scores. Look at China for an example they have little children that are smarter than me, and I’m in the 9th grade. You know why because, “Countries like the Czech Republic, Japan, and Denmark, which have higher-scoring students, teachers give little homework.”, according to an article. What is so interesting about this fact is the fact that they receive less; less I say homework, and yet their students score higher on test than the us students in the U.S. Massive amounts of homework is not the key to helping students receive higher test scores. If a student is struggling why would you give them lots of homework so they can struggle fall behind even more. This is why students fail test because they fall to far behind. And its stupid I know it is, but how do you think the students that try their best and try to keep up, but their best is just not good enough feel. They feel stupid when the fail test after test after test, and you don’t realize they are struggling until it’s too late. Students are receiving too much work and they are being affected by it whether you know it or