they all have numbers, not names and quickly becomes a grim reality that their really in prison . When the guards start exerting violence on their prisoners, Zimbardo doesn’t intervene, fascinated by what happening but convinced things won’t get too far out of hand.
The subjects will work it out among themselves, he insists. Watching this movie throughout my life I have come contact with supervisors and member’s management whom have let power corrupt themselves to where they don’t even act as if they are human. This movie shows me that power trippers believe that once given a position of authority, they will get the respect and social status they feel they deserve. People entire attitude toward power, it seems that it plays a major role in how a person will use their authority. This movie was a great example of showing me that power-seekers can be overwhelming, one they know they have power over you they will walk all over you. A person who craves power may resort to intimidation, manipulation or downright aggression which is showed in this film. It seemed as though the prisoners and guards thought this is just an experiment. In my opinion the prisoners and the guards probably would have never thought this experiment would have taken a detrimental effect on both of them. As I was watching this film I asked myself how this could possibly have happened to the mindset of the guards for them to behave this
way. Throughout the years I have seen and learned that sometimes people with weak mindsets when they get positions of power their minds often think about things they couldn’t get in life or people whom have done them wrong. So when they become empowered they don’t know how to handle it most of the time. I feel this movie is a real life depiction of what actually happens in real life. Especially amongst guards and prisoners the power shifts when some people become guards to prisoners to whom they probably would of never of spoke to on the streets.