When The Right is Wrong:
Gay Marriage Should be Legalized
Should gays be allowed to be legally married and have that marriage recognized on a national level? This is an issue that is making headlines across the country and is the topic of conversations on Capitol Hill and Facebook forums, alike. Those who oppose gay marriage give a vast amount of reasons that range from the conservative to the crazy, from the religious to the ridiculous. However, these reasons do not give anyone the right to prevent taxpaying, law abiding citizens from participating in what many see as a staple of western civilization?
A vast majority of people who categorize themselves as Christian and/or Conservative cite biblical principles as sufficient reason for denying gay people the privilege of becoming legally married, while others fear what psychological damage can be done to children. There are also others who believe that if gays are allowed to be legally married, that this could lead to legalized rape, incest, pedophilia, and bestiality.
Other people who oppose gay marriage agree with former President George W. Bush, that “marriage between a man and a woman are the pillars of western civilization” and cite that to allow the meaning of marriage to change would bring down God’s wrath upon the United States. They also believe that children would suffer, that the traditional family would be destroyed, that public schools will embrace homosexuality and teach it to children, that adoption laws would become obsolete and children would grow up without a mother or father, which would inflict irreparable damage on the child. Some who oppose are afraid that their religious freedoms may be lost. To some, these reasons may seem outlandish, bigoted, unfounded, and just plain idiotic, but for those who oppose, they are valid and are seen as a threat to a lifestyle in which they find comfort. However, just because someone believes something, doesn’t make it true, and a