The most fundamental and mayor decision you have to make in your life is this:
Do I live in a friendly or A hostile universe? Is it the universe, where people want to hate each other, kill each other. Is that what you see? Because when you see the world that way, that is exactly what you create for yourself. The interesting thing is that this is not just a clever play of words: When you change the way you look at things, things you look at change. It is actually very scientific thing and if you know a little bit about metaphysic you might know what I mean. I would like you to imagine the following scene: You are in your house. You got your car-keys in your hand. (hand gesture) The light goes out. Power failure. You can’t see a thing. You stumble around in the living-room, and you drop your keys. You look around for a moment and you realize: you will never going to find them. But you look outside and you notice that the street lights are on. And in your mind the light bulb (hand gesture points toward head) goes on . Hmmm, I am not going to look around for keys in the dark when there is a light outside. I am going out here, under the street light to look for my keys . Don’t laugh. It just makeS lots of sense. So you are looking for your keys and looking and looking (looking at the ground , hand gesture) And you neighbor comes along: What happened Natalia? I dropped my keys. I will help you look for them. So two of us NOW stare down here, looking for keys. Finally he askS: Natalia, where did you drop your keys? I dropped them in the house. He says: You mean to tell me: that you drop your keys in the house and you are looking for them out here, that does not make any sense. I say: Well, it does not make any sense to grope around in the dark, when there is a light out here. Now you laugh and how silly that is but IS IT not exactly what we