Another theory claimed that life came from electric sparks based on the Miller-Urey experiment. This experiment stimulated a theoretical environment of early Earth, using water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen gaseous mixture sealed together in a glass tube. Liquid water was evaporated to water vapor, electrodes are used to generate electricity and the …show more content…
Other theories stated that life did not actually began on Earth but was brought to Earth by the notion of Panspermia. This means that some Martian rocks and debris blasted off Mars by cosmic impacts had hit Earth, transferring some of the Martian microbes. However, if this concept is true, where did life from outer space came from?
Human beings are said to be similar to other animals, but why are humans more intelligent compared to other species?
The most widespread theory is that humans evolved from apes and Neanderthals since we have morphological and biological similarities proven by human fossils like bones, tools, and footprints left by earlier people. These ancestral apes then evolved to humans by natural selection, changing their posture, bone structure, appearance and behavior as the more selectively advantaged apes survived and reproduced. [12] Charles Darwin who came up with the theory of natural selection, believed that apes, humanoids, and Neanderthals are common ancestors of humans which fall under the same family tree but did not entirely believe we came from …show more content…
For instance, William J. Meister who was looking for trilobite fossils in Utah discovered an odd shaped human sandal print. This fossil was studied by three laboratories and found to be valid and was made approximately 500 million years before the existence of mankind. [14] Another discovery was a footprint found on a limestone in New Mexico, determined to be from the Permian Period about 250 million years ago by archaeologist and anthropologist Dr. Dan Shockey along with archaeologist Dr. Tom.
In 1934, a hammer was found embedded in a rock in London by a couple. It was proven by conventional geologists that the rock where the hammer was found is approximately 110 to 115 million years old.