Saving time is easily evident in the teenage community as text messages are often written in short abbreviations. It has become a way of life rather than a way of saving time. This haste has not made life any easier either. Often people misinterpret this abbreviations and it takes longer to understand than writing complete words. For instance, "ttyl" (talk to you later) is sometimes misinterpreted as "ttly" (totally). Not only has haste lead to misinterpretation but it is a cause for our laziness. Saving time by swiping credit cards at gas pumps instead of paying at the counter or even consuming power bars instead of a full meal has made us lazy. However all this saved time remains unaccounted for as we still strive to become faster than
Saving time is easily evident in the teenage community as text messages are often written in short abbreviations. It has become a way of life rather than a way of saving time. This haste has not made life any easier either. Often people misinterpret this abbreviations and it takes longer to understand than writing complete words. For instance, "ttyl" (talk to you later) is sometimes misinterpreted as "ttly" (totally). Not only has haste lead to misinterpretation but it is a cause for our laziness. Saving time by swiping credit cards at gas pumps instead of paying at the counter or even consuming power bars instead of a full meal has made us lazy. However all this saved time remains unaccounted for as we still strive to become faster than