Where The Wild Things Are tells the story of a boy named Max, who is making mischief throughout his house. Max is seen throughout the book wearing a wolf suit, a king's crown, and a mischievous grin. After chasing the family dog around the house with a fork, Max is sent to his room without any supper by his mother. He then begins a magical journey, in which his room transforms into a whole new world, where creatures named the Wild Things soon make him the king of their wild kingdom. Max enjoys his life in the land of the Wild Things, but soon finds himself homesick and yearning to go back home.
The setting of the book begins and ends in Max’s house, in which he is running around and misbehaving. and eventually sent to bed without dinner. Most of the story takes place in the magical kingdom of Max|s imagination, which is presented as a jungle. Characters: Max- Max is a young, mischievous boy who is very confident, aggressive and self reliant. Throughout the book Max is seen wearing a wolf suit, a king’s crown, and a mischievous grin. Max imagines a far off world, where he becomes king of the native people, the Wild Things. The Wild Things- Originally seen as savage creatures who, “roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws,” when Max arrived to their world. Max eventually frightens the Wild Things with a magic trick, and they deem him “the most wild thing of all” and make him king of all Wild Things. Point of View: The story is told through the eyes and imagination of Max. Theme: The main theme of the book is surrounded by the strong idea of imagination and the places it can take you. Max creates a new world in which he can control his own destiny and escape from reality.