Pregnancy-the birth of miracle, rainbow and all things sugar, spicy and nice. One of the most debated topics is the diet and exercise a pregnant woman should follow. A well rounded and balanced meal is important. But, what may work for some pregnant ladies may not work for others. Cravings in pregnancy are quite normal, thanks to the hormonal surge. Women all over have goofy cravings which can range from eating sauerkraut to eating ice cream all the time. But, which foods are a big NO NO. While most food items can be included in a pregnant women’s daily menu, there are some food items which should not be eaten.
Then let us help you provide a comprehensive list of food items which you should avoid in your upcoming journey of motherhood:
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It does not have any nutritional value and accounts for the presence of higher level of bacteria. Boiled milk is safe and is germ free. Choose to drink almond milk, soy milk. They are healthier options.
7. Raw sprouts:
Never consume raw sprouts consisting of clover, radish, sunflower, broccoli, beans, alfalfa. They are prone to salmonella bacteria, listeria. It could lead to premature birth, miscarriage, stillbirth and infections in newborns. Always snack on cooked sprouts during pregnancy.
8. Unwashed vegetables and fruits:
This is a rule all pregnant women must follow. Unwashed fruits and vegetables contain the parasite Toxoplasma. They may cause brain developmental defects in the baby. It is always preferred to consume completely rinsed vegetables and fruits.
9. Caffeine:
Consuming coffee or coke which contains higher doses of caffeine can be harmful for the baby. It may lead to miscarriage, low weight babies, premature birth and withdrawal symptoms in an infant. Some studies suggest a dosage of 200 milligrams a day is healthy. Beyond it, can be fatal.
10. Sugar