Summary: The foundation of our democracy is based upon the sacredness of human life. Hence, to deliberately take a life is not acceptable. Abortion, which indeed takes away life, is no exception. It's tolerance is an attack on democracy.
The topic of abortion is a highly controversial issue in today's society, and various views are held concerning the morality of the procedure. Some people feel that abortion is simply cold-blooded murder, because it is their opinion that a 'foetus' is a human being from the moment of conception. However, others would argue that a foetus is merely insubstantial matter, dependant entirely on its mother's body for survival, with no real life of its own. It is for this reason that pro-abortionists support the woman's choice to undergo abortion. After all, why should something so small and insignificant, which is not yet human, be entitled to the same rights and privileges a real human has"
The Women's Rights Movement, which began in 1848 and ended only in 1998, has entitled the women of our society to various rights. Among these, was the right to have control over their body. Considering this, many would point out that terminating a pregnancy is done so within the rights of the woman, and is therefore completely acceptable. If a baby is not a 'baby' at all, but merely a part of its mother's body, surely it is her choice whether it should live or die!
Anti-abortionists often refer to abortion as, ' the intentional killing of unborn babies', and see it as an evil deed, committed only by those who do not appreciate the value of human life. Although, it seems that, in many cases it is quite the opposite. In cases such as one night stands, rape or underage pregnancies, mothers often tend to choose abortion with the fear that they cannot give their child the life they deserve. These pregnancies are unwanted, accidental even. The mother does not plainly wish to kill her child for selfish reasons, but