Lora Atkinson
Grand Canyon University: NRS437V 06/21/2014
When thinking about nursing it is assumed that you must be of a certain stature, you must do all the right things and have all the right answers. Your morality must be up there with Mother Theresa. Is that the case? In this paper I intend to look at my values, (personal, cultural, and spiritual). I will examine how they may contribute to my view of nursing and nursing practice. In addition my morality, ethics will be defined in relation to my obligation of nursing, as well as how my personal belief systems may interfere with what others may consider “ethically right”, creating ethical dilemmas and how I have confronted and resolved these situations in my nursing profession. Values In researching it is said that values are what we use to guide are lives, we have our own unique set of rules (values) that steer us in to what we hold dear and it impacts how we live our lives from the people we marry, if we marry? The jobs we choose etc. ("personal values, beliefs”, 2010). My values have always been deeply embedded in me, my core beliefs to always remain honest and accountable, compassionate and caring. I do not know where these beliefs came from I just know they have always been there, my parents were not around and I had no spiritual influence to speak of and no real cultural upbringing that contributed to my value system. The best I can conclude is I was born this way.
All I know is it has always been here, and I believe it is a great contributor to my nursing profession. It guides me daily in the compassionate care I deliver, the patience I have to listen, the dedication and self-respect to always give superior care and the
References: Personal values, beliefs and attitudes. (2010). Retrieved from http://sielearning.tafense.edu.au/ Hobden, A.(2008). Ethics. In Key concepts in nursing. Retrieved from http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?qurl=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.credoreference.com.library.gcu.edu%3A2048%2Fcontent%2Fentry%2Fsageuknurs%2Fethics%2F0