Review Questions
2 – Organization culture can significantly influence the estimates. How the difference of culture appears on human beings can also be seen in an organization. In some organizations, padding estimates is normal and even encouraged in some cases. On the other hand, another organization which is sensitive on estimates can put much more effort to increase the accuracy of the project estimates. It is all about their approach to the project management. Some believe that it is always impossible to predict the future and worthless to spend so much time on it. However, the rest subscribe to the belief that accurate estimates are the key points of effective project management.
3 – Top-down estimates are derived from people who put experience and information on the issue to determine the project duration and costs. Such estimates are sometimes made by top managers who have less knowledge about processes on the work packages. However, bottom-up estimates are obtained from the people most knowledgeable about the estimates needed. These people are usually from the WP level. If the company has already engaged in a similar project in the past, I would leave the budgeting to the top managers and let the lower-level employees focus on their jobs instead of having to deal with measuring the budgeting and planning concerns. However, if the organization concerns too much about the accuracy of the estimates than dedication of the WP level employees to the real tasks, I would use the bottom-up approach. In this way, top managers have more money to work on other areas.
3 – The total function point count is; Complexity Weighting | Element | Count | Low | Average | High | Total | Inputs | 10 | 10 x 2 | | | = | 20 | Outputs | 20 | | 20 x 6 | | = | 120 | Inquiries | 10 | | 10 x 4 | | = | 40 | Files | 30 | | | 30 x 12 | = | 360 | Interfaces | 50 | | | 50 x 15 | = | 750 | | | | | TOTAL | = | 1.290 |
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