The bar and restaurants sector was established over 35 years ago. Whitbread has invested in the Beefeater property which has expanded through the years and now stands at 130 restaurant across the UK.
Premier Inn Beefeater Brewers Fayre Table Table Taybarns Costa 130 Restaurants in the UK North (45) Mid (52) South (33)
Beefeater; Salford Quays – Manchester
The Beefeater on Salford Quays is 18 years old and employs 36 people at the moment – 3 Managers, 2 Team leaders, 1 Supervisor, 9 waitresses, 7 Bartenders, 8 Chefs and one Kitchen Manager. There is a huge variety of people who eat there, from children and young, to elderly and infirm people. Most of our customers are regular consumers but also guests from Premier Inn hotel, which is a part of the company. The organization objectives are self rapid changes and depend of customers requires and management wants. The new short time company goals for our site